Wh3n You Lov3 Som3on3 So D33p !ns!d3,!t N3v3r S33ms 3@sy To H!d3.You've Lov3d H!m For So V3ry Long,You Would Th!nk He Could Do No Wrong.3v3ry D@y You Would Hop3 @nd Pr@y,Th@t H3 Would @lw@ys St@y Th!s W@y.H3 Tr3@t3d You L!ke You Should B3 Tr3@t3d,You Thought Your L!f3 W@s F!n@lly Compl3t3d.You Thought Your Lov3 W@s Grow!ng True,@nd Th3n On3 D@y !t W@s @ll So Blu3.H3 St@rt3d @ll Of @ Sudd3n !gnor!ng You
@ll You Could Do W@s @sk "God Why You".
H3 K3pt On !gnor!ng You @nd You Wond3r3d Why,@ll You W@nt3d To Do W@s Curl Up @nd D!3.You Thought Your R3l@t!onsh!p Would N3v3r 3nd,But Th@t W@s @ll Just F@k3 @nd Pr3t3nd.On3 N!ght H3 W@s So Sw33t To You,Th3n Wh3n You Wok3 Up Th@t N!ght
You Found Out !t @ll W@s Untru3,Two D@ys L@t3r You W@s B@ck Th3 S@m3,St!ll Mop!ng @round @nd T@k!ng Th3 Bl@m3.H3 Thought Th3 R3l@t!onsh!p W@s G3tt!ng Too S3r!ous@nd Th@t You H@d B3com3 @ L!ttl3 Too Cur!ous.By Th!s T!m3 You Kn3w !t Wouldn't L@st,@ll Th3 N!c3 Th!ngs H3 S@!d W3r3 !n Th3 P@st.You Thought Th@t You Would M@rry H!m Som3 D@y,But Th!s T!m3 God W@nt3d H!m To G3t H!s W@y.You W@nt3d Th!ngs B@ck How Th3y W3r3 B3for3,But You Kn3w Th!s Couldn't H@pp3n @nymor3.It W@s @ S@turd@y N!ght @bout T3n o'Clock,You Found Out Th3 N3ws @nd !t W@sn't @ Shock.You Kn3w You W3r3 R!ght @ll @long So You Just S@t
Th3r3 L!st3n!ng To Your F@vor!t3 Slow Song.
@ll You Could Do W@s @sk "God Why You".
H3 K3pt On !gnor!ng You @nd You Wond3r3d Why,@ll You W@nt3d To Do W@s Curl Up @nd D!3.You Thought Your R3l@t!onsh!p Would N3v3r 3nd,But Th@t W@s @ll Just F@k3 @nd Pr3t3nd.On3 N!ght H3 W@s So Sw33t To You,Th3n Wh3n You Wok3 Up Th@t N!ght
You Found Out !t @ll W@s Untru3,Two D@ys L@t3r You W@s B@ck Th3 S@m3,St!ll Mop!ng @round @nd T@k!ng Th3 Bl@m3.H3 Thought Th3 R3l@t!onsh!p W@s G3tt!ng Too S3r!ous@nd Th@t You H@d B3com3 @ L!ttl3 Too Cur!ous.By Th!s T!m3 You Kn3w !t Wouldn't L@st,@ll Th3 N!c3 Th!ngs H3 S@!d W3r3 !n Th3 P@st.You Thought Th@t You Would M@rry H!m Som3 D@y,But Th!s T!m3 God W@nt3d H!m To G3t H!s W@y.You W@nt3d Th!ngs B@ck How Th3y W3r3 B3for3,But You Kn3w Th!s Couldn't H@pp3n @nymor3.It W@s @ S@turd@y N!ght @bout T3n o'Clock,You Found Out Th3 N3ws @nd !t W@sn't @ Shock.You Kn3w You W3r3 R!ght @ll @long So You Just S@t
Th3r3 L!st3n!ng To Your F@vor!t3 Slow Song.
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